

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Police post..

It's been a while since ive put up a post, a reflection of the new dimension my life has taken. I've been around now, commenting on your posts and generally feeling your swags. Yes, I've had a blogger stalker..*winks* and she's a gurl and she's cute too.
Ok, I'm annoyed. Infact, I'm pissed. You see, the kind of relationship i've had with the Nigerian Police up till now is a live and let live thingie. I'm the quintessential good Nigerian and have the nation's best interest at heart doing every thing that's expected of me.
Apart from that I try as much as possible to be courteous to them whenever our paths cross...respecting them even though they have done nothing to warrant my respect. of recent, our paths crossed and they lost my respect totally and forever.
After a hard day at my bakery, putting finishing touches on cakes that were going out last weekend- 4 wedding cakes, 1 engagement cake and 2 birthday cakes, i was called at the office as regards an appointment earlier scheduled. I sought a re schedule but the woman would have none of that. Co incidentally, my cake hounding friend came in unannounced with a friend and i hijacked him to drop me off at my office and ferry me back to the bakery - all for a promise of a chunk of cake.
We were on our way back generally playing in the car when i noticed the occupants of this raggedy vehicle in front of ours looking back at us and starring . Before we knew what was up, they slowed down in front of our car and out jumped 4 men of the Nigerian police with arms forcing us to park in full glare of the public like we were robbers.
After we parked, next thing they did was to seize our a style akin to us being robbed. Well, we were whisked to their police station and the guy i spoke with claimed to have arrested us under suspicion of being internet fraudsters.
All through the 3 hours i spent doing their bidding, i was as courteous as possible answering their every ridiculous question albeit the officer doing the asking was yelling and in no way polite. I was asked to write a statement and the guy with his limited knowledge tried without success to make me write implicating things he fed to me after asking ambiguous questions and making me answer in ways that could implicate me. Well, I drove him crazy by writing what i felt was correct and had turned in all possible trials, making sure they were 'implication proof. Towards the end he wanted to know my academic qualifications and what i did for a living, after leaving his mouth hanging with them and telling him I was an event planner and had requested almost the entire police station as security for a certain party, he became another individual entirely.
I'm not too familiar with what's legal and what's not (my lawyer friends know all that*winks) but I'm positive lots are wrong with the way these men handled the matter, and i wonder when our police force would be upgraded and brought up to standard.
I mourn the illiteracy and corruption that has come to define the Nigerian police.
They cannot even navigate a blackberry device and I didn't see any means of keeping records for three hours I was there. No desk phone for communication and the place lacked dignity of any facility.
I can't go on...cos I don't see the need to. It's not a fruitful cause anyways...
I'm out peeps..Missed y'all


HoneyDame said...

I tried coming on your blog but it told me that i was not permitted to do so. I thought you had blocked it or something...
NPF, i think it needs to be killed and then rebuilt from scratch.
Good to know that everything is going on well with you jawe...and I missed you o...small...hehehehhehe
Oh, and I bet you know that Nitty Gritty has done us strong thing.

Dont go away for that long again o

Wild Boy said...

Awww...HD, you didn't miss me as much as I did you.
Exactly my sentiments you echoed as regards NPF.
Iro ni ooo...what did Nitty Gritty do? I'm running off to her blog now now.

Myne said...

Long time, thought you stopped blogging too. As for the police, no mind them abeg.

Coy~Introvert said...

lots of crimes in Nigeria and yet those people are this jobless.

HoneyDame said...

Ok month after! uhm...this your august visitations won't werk o..
But sha I won't give you too much of a hard time since I am assuming that business is really booming is why you haven't been here in a long while.
Baa se fe ko ri naa lo ma ri.

Wild Boy said... so my sixta

Wild Boy said...

@ coy- exactly

Wild Boy said...

@ coy- exactly

Anonymous said...

Wow! If you weren't knowledgeable now they would have taken advantage. We need some serious education in this country

Muse Origins
Muse Origins FB

CFAgbata said...

An interesting account, the way you handled the situation was perfect. You did the right thing by not over reacting and by staying calm as well as courteous. And I have to agree with you the level of illiteracy and corruption in the police force is disappointing to say the least. Hope you don't get into situations like these in the future!

Wild Boy said...

Amen @ CFAgbata